Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Day 2: Technology

 Day 2:  What technology are you grateful for?  

Not all heroes wear capes

I am grateful for E-cart groceries.  I really enjoy most parts of the feeding the family process.  I like reading through cookbooks and finding new recipes.  I like the rhythm of chopping vegetables, the smell of sautéing garlic and onions and spices, the magic that happens as raw food cooks into something more delicious.  But I *dread* the part where you have to go to the grocery store.  I don't like the fluorescent lights, getting the cart with the wheel that sticks, trying to find that one ingredient that is crucial for a whole meal but you have to check like five aisles to figure out where it is, or the delicate dance of maneuvering around the slower shopper, or being the slower shopper and not being in everyone else's way.  (I do like the grocery store music, and I like how since we all have to wear masks, it's easier to get away with singing along without it being awkward - but I digress.)  Enter online groceries!  Now I can "load" the cart on my computer at home, and then someone else does all the hard work and I just drive over and pick them up.  So much time and effort saved!  Thank you, online groceries, for taking one of my most dreaded chores and making it so much easier.

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