Thursday, July 27, 2023

Day 28: Something that Brings Hope

I was talking to my sister about her grad program, and she mentioned something that one of her professors said:  in relationships, we all have two questions - 1) "Do I matter?" and 2) "How much?"  That has really stuck in my head, and as I think about close relationships of all kinds, and what has made them go better and worse, what's been at the root of conflict, it's amazing how often this plays a big part in it.  It's made me think about whether I'm managing my time and energy to prioritize the people that matter to me, and whether I'm communicating this to them in a way that is meaningful to them (and here I'll add, three cheers for love languages and personality typing to help me better learn what is meaningful to my people that might be different than what's meaningful to me).  I'm not consistently good at this - I don't think any of us are - but it's helpful to now have these questions as a mental checkpoint.

So why is this something that brings me hope?

Because I can look to my faith to get the most deep, consistent, fulfilling, needful dose of "yes" to the questions, "Do I matter?" and "How much?"  The Bible is filled from start to finish with promises of God's love for us and stories about His faithfulness to these promises.  It tells me that I matter.  And for the question how much, it describes how the Father gave His Son to die because He loves us so much.  There's no greater love than this.  When I remember that I matter in the deepest way in the most important relationship in my life for all eternity, this brings incredible hope and gratitude.  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Day 27: A Gift You Received


There's something special about Christmas gifts you receive as a kid.  Today, I'm grateful for the memory of the year when my brother and I received rollerblades, and my sister (who always likes to put her own unique spin on things) received roller skates.  And even though we usually hoped for snow on Christmas, that year we were so grateful for dry streets and unusually warm temperatures, so we could use all of Christmas afternoon to test out our new wheels.  I'm grateful for all the memories of blading around the roller rink with elementary school friends and feeling that surge of energy when the song "Footloose" came on.  I'm grateful for outdoor games involving the rollerblades, walkie talkies, and secret missions.  I'm grateful to be a child of the 1980s, when there was a little more freedom to roam and zoom recklessly down hills.  I'm grateful for my parents' generosity in giving us this gift and the hundreds of hours of fun they produced.  

Monday, July 24, 2023

Day 26: Something in Nature

Something I'm grateful for in nature is the caterpillar - chrysalis - butterfly sequence.  We've ordered caterpillars by mail for the last couple years (who knew this was a thing you could do!!) and watched the whole life cycle.  They arrive as tiny little caterpillars, then grow rapidly, exponentially bigger.  Then, as if it's programmed into them, they climb to a hanging spot and form a J, like in the picture above.  That J eventually turns into the crysalis, where they hang out for days to weeks - their bodies can tell if conditions are good to come out (?!!).  Then they emerge as beautiful butterflies, ready to fly out and take on the world.  

I wouldn't be me if I didn't also at least mention how beautiful this symbolism is.  The creature that starts as an ugly, ground dwelling insect does what he's made to do:  eats and eats; builds; rests; and through these steps, emerges as one of nature's most beautiful creatures, and a helpful pollinator.  When you're in the preparation or growth / early stages of anything in life and it's feeling like two steps forward and one step back, it's helpful to see both the dramatic and consistent nature of the caterpillar to butterfly ttransformation, and take hope from it.  

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Day 25: Another Person

The cake she made me!

I am thankful for my friend Autumn.  I don't even know where to start, there's so much to say here - so let's start at the beginning:  I'm thankful for the way she is very intentional about friendships, and so very generous and including with bringing new people into her life.  When I first moved to Reno, I didn't know anyone beyond family.  Autumn was so kind to regularly invite me over and include me in get togethers.  For my 30th birthday, when we were still new friends, Autumn set up a whole party and made this beautiful cake (pictured above), which was so over the top kind.  And she does this sort of thing all the time, for new and old friends - she's generous, thoughtful, and kind with friendships and hospitality.

Second, she's really got a knack for both teaching and learning.  I can think of so many things she taught me that turned out to be extremely useful - how to set up and take apart a breast pump, how to use a camping stove, ideas for schedule and curriculum with homeschooling multiple kids, and so many other things.  When she has knowledge, she is so enthusiastic about sharing it.  And when she has something she wants to learn, she is very intentional about seeking out that information, always learning and growing.  

Third, she's a great adventure buddy.  She knows great spots for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities in our region, and she's always up for going together.  She's helped us get into family camping, and led the way on one of my all time favorite outdoor memories - a sunset swim with our kids during a camp at Boca.  

Fourth, she's got an active and vibrant faith that shines out in everything she does.  Whether she's singing worship songs, or discussing prayer requests, or a favorite Bible verse - you can see her faith shining in all of it.  As well as in the way she supports and loves her friends and family so well.  She's a constant encouragement to me in my faith, and I know to many others as well.  

I'm so grateful for Autumn!

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Day 24: A Book, Magazine, or Podcast

Our tracking sheet

 I am grateful for the podcast "1,000 Hours Outside".  The host, Ginny Yurich, is a really warm and engaging personality, a careful reader of interesting books, and a terrific interviewer.  The premise of her show is that we should all be spending more time outside - the number she encourages folks to shoot for is 1,000 hours in a year.  (We are attempting the challenge this year - I will probably do a longer blog on that sometime later this year - that's what the picture is tracking.)  She does a combination of things with her podcast - sometimes she describes fun outdoor destinations and activities, sometimes she motivates by talking about the benefits of outdoor time (whatever that looks like in your life), and more and more she's branching out into interviews with authors who take a deep dive into something that also happens to be a benefit of nature time:  the effect of screens, why kids need risk / independence, the importance of free unstructured play, the family bonding that happens through adventure, etc.  It's all been very informative, challenging (in a good way), and inspiring to me, and for those reasons, I'm thankful for this podcast.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Day 23: Something Nice

 I'm not exactly sure what this prompt is getting at, so I'm going to take it as "something nice that happened today".  It's the dog days of summer in Reno right now - highs are in the hundreds, and it's hard to be outside anytime that's daylight without either some shade or water.  Thankfully, by driving up into the mountains, you can lose at least 10 degrees and then there are these nice cool lakes you can plunge into.  So today, I'm thankful that Donner Lake is only 30 minutes away, and I'm thankful for my time there with my kids.  

Because of the coolness of both the air and the water in the mountains, we often spend most of our time at Donner hanging out on the sand rather than swimming.  But with the very high temps today, all four of us wanted to be actually in the water, swimming and splashing around.  It was so refreshing to actually plunge all the way in, to swim out to the ropes, to practice handstands - all the things you would do in a pool, but don't always do in a frigid, quick hop in and out lake.

I'm grateful for the beautiful views of the mountains all around, and the pine tree smell.  I'm grateful for the clear water where you can see to the bottom.   What a blessing to have this  spectacular place in our region.

I'm grateful for moments when Josh walks over with a question like, "Do you think there's life on other planets?  Did you know that there's proof of it in Nevada because of Area 51?"  I'm grateful for Ivy still wanting to hold hands when we're floating next to each other.  I'm grateful that Zoey is my fellow bookworm during breaks from the water.  What a blessing to have these kids.  

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Day 22: Something That Made You Laugh


I am grateful for how Ivy's approach to unloading the dishwasher made me laugh yesterday.  This girl is always telling jokes and making faces to try to make us laugh, and she's got a good talent for comedy, but right now she's got an extra super power - the mind of a six year old.  Which means she is still very novice in how things are "supposed" to be done, plus is super tuned into "what would make this more fun?"  So without even trying to be funny, she decides that the best way to unload the dishwasher is using tongs.  (Or, as she calls them, "meat holders".)  

I can remember the other kids doing things like this around the same age.  One that stands out in my mind is Josh deciding to complete a math worksheet using all bubble letters.  Sometimes it's a little maddening because their novel method often takes at least twice as long and works half as well, and there's other things to get on to.  But you know what else is true?  It's super funny.  So thank you to this prompt for helping me notice the hilariousness of six year old out-of-the-box thinking.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Day 21: A Technology


I am grateful for the technology of streaming music services.  When I was a kid, the way you listened to music was either cassette tapes or the radio.  I have fond memories of waiting until your favorite song came on the radio, then throwing a blank cassette into the boom box and trying to record it.  To listen to any particular song on demand, you had to own the album, and then do the dance of fast forward / rewind until you found where it started.  It was possible to put together a mix tape of your favorites, but that was even more of a commitment.  (CDs made things a little easier, but similar story.)  

So then, in college, the technology of Napster felt mind blowing.  You suddenly had access to the entire universe of music, for free, at your fingertips.  We all spent hundreds of hours exploring the possibilities, listening to new and old songs, putting together lists with such ease.  Sadly, this was illegal pirating that was ripping off the artists and the whole music industry, so it was there for a blip of time and then gone.  

But the idea was planted, and companies took off.  So now it's possible, legally, for a very affordable price, with a much better user interface, to once again stream most music, put together playlists, find songs in an instant, and even get suggestions for similar music.  I listen to Spotify all the time - in the car, working out, doing dishes.  I can pull up Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" for the kids' music lessons, or classic favorites for my Sunday school kids, or Chris Stapleton to sing with my dad.  I can check out new songs friends recommend in an instant.  I'm so grateful for you, streaming music services.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Day 20: A Holiday You Love

Easter 2017.  Etsy style.

I am grateful for the holiday of Easter.  I sometimes write a post during and about Lent, but haven't written much about the celebration time that follows, so here goes!  First, the secular part.  I'm grateful for the fun traditions that go with Easter, especially when you have younger kids - egg dyeing, Easter egg hunts, Easter baskets, allll the candy.  I'm grateful for the time together with family, and how ham and potato casserole and an extravagant dessert taste like Easter.  I'm even grateful for these increasingly rare occasions where we really take the trouble to get the kids dressed up, hair brushed, pictures taken - because I know that these are the kind of pictures that make frames, and photo albums, and that I still enjoy looking back on from my own childhood.  

Second, Holy Week - I am grateful for how, in liturgical churches, they take you through the days leading up to the Easter celebration.  Maundy Thursday with the washing of feet.  Good Friday, remembering the sacrifice and crushing sadness.  The quiet, confused, desperate waiting and wondering of Saturday.  Remembering all of this helps us fully appreciate what it is we're celebrating when we get to Sunday.  

Third, Easter day itself.  I am so grateful for Christ's resurrection from the dead.  I'm grateful for how it happened during spring, when new life abounds.  I'm grateful for the joyful songs we get to sing each year in church to celebrate.  I'm grateful for the great, life giving hope it brings to the whole world, and  I'm grateful for a conquering of death, sadness, and sorrow.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Day 19: Something About Work

Since my work right now is homeschool, I will once again write about that - I promise I'm not trying to be an infomercial!  I'm grateful for all the time that homeschool allows me to spend with my kids.  It's a funny thing, for those of us who get to spend the first few years at home with babies and toddler - those are physically intensive years with some very sweet moments - but a lot of it is just supervising, feeding, changing diapers, giving baths - keeping the child alive and well.  Right as they get to the age where they can do a lot of their self care on their own, and can have more interesting conversations, play more interesting games, read more interesting books, go on longer hikes and other outings -- this is the same age that they start grade school.  I'm grateful that I get spend more hours in this golden age range together with the kids.  

Always want to clarify, with this kind of post - I know so many terrific parents and terrific kids with very close family relationships whose kids go to outside of the house school.  This is what my own oldest two kids did for most of elementary school, and I still got lots of good time with them, as I'm sure any of you readers who this applies to do.  This is a selfish grateful - my personality is much better suited for older kids than the youngest kids, and I'm grateful that I get to spend full days with them as older kids after a decade with babies and toddlers in the mix.  

Friday, July 14, 2023

Day 18: An Item You Use Every Day

I am grateful for my shower.  I'm grateful because even on the busiest, craziest, loudest days, it's my time of quiet.  It's my best time to think through problems.  It's a lovely time to sing.  Also, it feels great to get clean after an outdoor excursion or a sweaty run.  I'm grateful for you, shower.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Day 17: A Character Trait of Yours


Triple jumping in high school

I'm grateful for my character trait of competitiveness.  This might be a surprise to some, as I keep it pretty quiet and probably come off as much more kumbaya.  Also, my competitiveness is more with myself than against the outside world.  But anyone who I've played sports with, or some who I've practiced law with, have seen it.  There are a few reasons I'm grateful for it: 1) it makes anything related to sports or games or competition more fun, because you feel invested; and 2) it motivates tedious, hard work because in wanting to win, you're willing to suffer a little more.  High fives to all the stealth competitive people out there.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Day 16: A Person You Look Up To

I look up to my sister for her recent graduation with a masters degree in counseling.  She completed this rigorous, full time 3 year program while also working part time and raising four kids.  I remember grad school as being extremely challenging, and that was with no job and no kids.  I am so impressed that she pulled this off as a feat of time management.  

But even more than that, I'm impressed that she responded to a calling that matches her talents, her deep empathy and compassion, her listening skills, and her desires.  It's easy to feel that life is set in stone, that it's too late to pursue a dream, WAY before this is actually true.  It's easy to mistake challenging for impossible.  It's definitely harder to pursue a new career and an additional degree later in life.  But because she took on this challenge, she now has the degree to pursue a career path that will allow her to put her deepest skills and talents to good use in helping the world.  I'm so proud of my sister, and so grateful for her inspiring decision.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Day 15: A Life Lesson

(not a pic of me or my space)

First off, I am grateful for this prompt, because if you take any time looking at my backlist blog posts, you will see that I like to turn everything into a life lesson.  To the point that it's a little ridiculous :).  Cheers to the life lessons that can be found in so many things!  

The life lesson I'm grateful for today isn't particularly deep, but it's one that has packed a lot of punch for me.  I'm grateful for the lesson that the way to get more of something in your life isn't to just care about it more, but to actually schedule it in until it's a solid part of your routine.  Two things I care about getting in regularly are exercise and spiritual disciplines, but these are also things that can quickly fall of the radar when life gets busy.  I've found that much more than reading a book about how much these things matter, or talking to someone about how I'd really like to get more runs in, the thing that actually leads to positive change is making the plan - put the times in the schedule - and then stick to them, regardless of mood or energy level or weather.  I'm grateful for the books and teachers that showed me this lesson, and for times in life that I didn't follow this method and saw how quickly things can fall away.  

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Day 14: You're Looking Forward To

This one landed on the perfect day, as we leave for Nebraska tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to seeing people in Nebraska!!  I'm looking forward to having wine on the deck with my mom.  I'm looking forward to listening to Wabash Cannonball with my dad.  I'm looking forward to having uncontrollable, inappropriate laughter with my sister.  I'm looking forward to swimming with my nieces and nephews, and holding my new baby niece for the first time.  I'm looking forward to hearing the latest rundown on Nebraska politics from my brother.  I'm looking forward to seeing two of my favorite friends who I haven't seen in years.  I'm looking forward to catching fireflies, watching storms come in, and eating Valentino's.  I am super duper extremely grateful for this upcoming trip to Nebraska.  

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Day 13: A Person

Today's thankful pairs well with yesterday's thankful:  I am grateful for the other homeschool moms we got to know this year.  A worry I had going into homeschool was whether we would all be lonely - not just the kids, but also me.  Thanks to finding community, this was the least lonely year I've had since becoming a stay at home mom.  And these fellow moms gave me more than someone to meet up and chat with on Friday mornings.  They were people who had many of the same ideas and educational philosophies as me, and could offer advice and encouragement.  When you're on a road that's different than many, it's such a blessing to travel with others who are on that same road.  

I'm especially thankful for two "includer" moms - Karen and Jessica.  Jessica started a nature club and Karen started an art club, which gave us two places to meet with other families regularly.  And both of them are always hosting other events, and inviting more people to join, and being extremely welcoming to the newer / quieter ones in the bunch.  Aren't people like this just the best, in any context?  They make the community they are in bigger and better by being so inviting to all.  I am super grateful for Karen and Jessica.