Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Gratitude Series 2018, Day Twenty Two: A Small Gesture

I am thankful when my sister texts me "3 things that happened with her that day".  It's a small thing in that it doesn't take a lot of time or money to do, but it shows me that she's thinking of me, and it helps me know what's going on in her life.  And it encourages me to text back with 3 things happening with me that day, so she can also be more connected with me.  We sometimes joke about how our days our like groundhog's day - everything is the same, nothing unusual or exciting going on most days at this stage of life - but it turns out you can almost always find 3 things that are special about a particular day.  So I'm also grateful that, as part of this practice of the texting 3 things, I become more aware of the uniqueness of each passing day.

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