Sunday, November 19, 2017

Day 19: A Difficult Situation

I am grateful for the "difficult situation" of having a toe cramp for a week.  (For those of you who are wondering if this is what constitutes major difficulty in my life, the answer is no, but it qualifies as something that WAS a difficulty, that I'm willing to write about publicly, and that I have some reasons to be grateful about it.)  Life is really busy right now - the kids are all going through a stretch of being demanding in their own way, and it's maxing out my energy.  When I get a moment of downtime, like during Ivy's nap or when Kenny's playing with the kids in the evening, my normal habit it to make that time useful - get some chores done, get a workout in, that kind of thing.  But with the toe situation, I've chosen to take it easy this week during downtime.  I've spent more time writing blog posts and reading, things that are physically restful.  It's not easy for me for relax when there's a long list of stuff to be done, but sometimes that's exactly what your body needs you to do, so I'm grateful that this (really quite minor) physical pain forced me to slow down a bit this week and get a little extra rest.  

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