Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Gratitude Series 2018, Day Twenty Eight: A Game

I am thankful for Minesweeper.  There was a stretch during my first year of college when I spent a LOT of time in my dorm room.  I had dislocated my knee in a track meet and was on crutches for awhile, so I stayed put as much as possible.  And then, on top of that, I somehow contracted mono.  So even when the crutches were gone, I was dorm bound for several more weeks, and feeling miserable the entire time.

You can only spend so much time sleeping, even with mono.  But when you're feeling that bad, you need something that's just engaging enough to be distracting, without requiring much physical or mental exertion.  Minesweeper was perfect for this.  During those long weeks, I spent hours each day playing this game, and it helped me get through.  My Minesweeper times were amazing, and sometimes I would fall asleep with Minesweeper playing in my head.  Once I was feeling better and able to get back out of the room, the Minesweeper playing tapered off dramatically, but I will always have a special place in my heart for this game.

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