Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Gratitude Series 2018, Day Fifteen: A Breakfast Food

I am grateful for the cappuccino chocolate chip muffins they served in my law school cafe.  First, because they were unbelievably delicious.  Second, because they were an easy and affordable breakfast on the run when I didn't have time to throw something together at home before heading in to school.  Third, because they were an excellent consolation snack after a rough class.

My first class of the day during my 1L first semester was Contracts.  I thought Contracts would be boring and I was extremely wrong about that.  It's all about the promises we make to each other:  what constitutes a promise that the courts will enforce, what promises are so bad for society that we won't allow them to stand, what's the right penalty for a broken promise, things like that.  It's fascinating stuff, and a dream for a law professor trying to trip you up.  My contracts professor was a really nice guy, but still, at least once a class someone would fall into a trap via the Socratic method.  And at least a couple times (per class, per semester), you got called on to be the person answering the line of questions, and sometimes that meant you got tripped up in front of all your classmates.

Those were the days when I drowned my sorrows in a cup of coffee and a cappuccino muffin, and by the time I got through the sugary goodness, I was already feeling better.  (By the way, every once in awhile I would get called on and crush it, and on those days the muffins made an excellent celebration treat.)

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