Thursday, November 24, 2016

Day 9: Place

Day 9:  What place are you grateful for?

I am grateful for the Oregon coast.  My family has a beach house there, near Depoe Bay.  Growing up, we would visit this beautiful beach area every couple years, and I have so many good memories of family time spent in Oregon.  When we were little, we would explore the caves, play a game called "Weenie Wave" where we dodged the waves, and collect seashells.  As we got older, we hiked over the rockier parts of the coastline, had triple jump contests in the sand, and read through stacks of library books while tanning on the beach.  In the evenings, we watched the sun set over the ocean and watched for a green flash, played blackjack with M&Ms as our betting currency, and took walks through a pitch black tree tunnel as my brothers jumped out and tried to scare us.  On rainy days, we went into town and explored the boardwalk stores selling saltwater taffy, souvenir snow globes, and Oregon hoodies.  Farther down the road, in Newport, there's a fantastic bookstore, a seafood restaurant that makes a mean clam chowder, and a respectable aquarium.  So many of my favorite childhood memories take place in Oregon, and I can't wait to take my own kids to this special place.

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