Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Day 8: A Compliment i receive lately...

I am grateful for my mom because she always knows the best things to say.  When it comes to compliments, hers are thoughtful, specific, and sincere - the best kind.  In a recent conversation about some of Joshua's doctor visits, she told me that I am just the right mom for Josh - in this case, meaning staying on top of the special needs visits and paperwork but also keeping things positive. 

Here's a truism about most moms:  we never feel like we're enough.  We never feel like we're everything our kids need us to be, or everything we should be.  I suspect this has always been the case, but I think social media takes competitive and comparative parenting to a whole new level.  So when someone tells you that you're doing a good job with your parenting, it's so life-giving.  I'm grateful for my mom, and her strong, faithful support and encouragement.

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