Saturday, November 10, 2018

Day 18: This piece of technology

I am grateful for the technology of streaming television (particularly Netflix, but also including Hulu and Amazon).  Being an #eldermillenial, I am old enough to have grown up with Saturday morning cartoons, Friday night family friendly sitcoms, and looooong stretches of time where there was nothing on TV that you wanted to watch.  The idea that someday you could choose from thousands of options, on demand, with no commercials, would have seemed more impossibly pie-in-the-sky Jetson-esque than flying cars.  The idea that you could get through a whole television series in a month, rather than waiting weeks and sometimes months for the next episode, also would've been hard to wrap my mind around.  I am grateful for how convenient television has become.  And that's just with me as the viewer!  I'm also super grateful for this technology as a parent!!  Need 20 minutes to get dinner on the table?  Boom, Sofia the First starts on demand!  But also don't want your kid to get bombarded with commercials about sugar cereals and the latest toy they need to have?  Boom, no commercials!  I am grateful for you, streaming television services.

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