Sunday, May 26, 2024

Day 1: A Happy Memory

I'm starting up another gratitude challenge, and this year I'm going to extend the time parameters from Memorial Day to Labor Day, taking on a couple each week.  As always, I would love it if anyone wants to participate along with me!  I will put the full list at the bottom of this post.

The first day is:  "What is a happy memory you're grateful for?"  This is an easy one.  Since tomorrow is our 18th wedding anniversary, I'm grateful for the memory of our wedding weekend.  Kenny and I got married on May 27, 2006 at the Nebraska State Capitol in Lincoln, NE.  Kenny's family and friends are from Reno, and at the time we were going to school in North Carolina, so we had people traveling in from all over the country to join the celebration.  At age 25, I only had the smallest idea of what a special, unusual thing it is to have so many of your loved ones gathered in one place, and what an honor it is that people take the time and trouble to come witness your special event.  I also had only the smallest idea of what a big thing it is that someone promises to be your partner, through better or worse, for the rest of their life.  But I did have lots of love for the funny, smart, handsome, faithful man that I was going to get to call husband.

I was never one to dream about the details of my wedding - thinking about that kind of thing stresses me out.  I was in the middle of my 2nd year of law school and honestly found wedding planning exponentially more stressful than my law school classes.  Fortunately, my mom and sister were super helpful in the planning process.  I wore the same wedding dress my sister wore the year before, used many of her same vendors, and took as much of their advice as I could.  Thanks largely to them, the rehearsal dinner, wedding, and reception were just what I hoped they would be.  Lots of laughs, food, good conversation, hugs, and dancing with our favorite people.  A wonderful way to launch into married life.

And I'm grateful to Kenny for putting up with me for all this time, and to God for His provision in our marriage.  Cheers to 18 years!

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