Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 resolutions

This is my annual resolutions blog -- accountability for last year's resolutions, and setting the New year's resolutions.  

The 2016 Resolutions:

The theme of my goals in 2016 was to become more self sufficient, and I think I'm slowly getting better at that - doing things (like changing a light bulb or setting up the Christmas tree) that I previously would have relied on Kenny to do.  But with my specific resolutions, it was a pretty iffy year.

1)  Learn to fill the car tires with air.  FAIL.  I watched a You Tube video on this one, and that's as far as I got.  Still need to learn this life skill.

2)  Learn to hang a picture.  PARTIAL CREDIT.   I hung up multiple pictures this year, but all of them were placed in holes that were already in the wall - none of them required me to hammer a nail or use a level, which was the challenge that I was looking to master.  But, I did hang a couple pictures, so not a total loss.

3)  Grow at least one outdoor plant that survives the season.  SUCCESS!  I got one marigold to grow, from seed (pictured above)!  There were lots of other attempted plants (tomatoes, green beans, herbs) that did not take off, but somehow the marigold made it.

2017 resolutions:

For the upcoming year, I'm going back to my usual practice of setting one goal each in the 3 areas of health, learning, and spirituality.

1.  Complete the Journal Jog (a 5 mile race in the fall).  I'm starting from square one getting back into running and I haven't figured out a great plan for how to fit regular exercise back into my life.  But I've found that the best way to figure it out is to set a goal, preferably something that you have to pay money for and complete with or in front of other people - and then you figure out ways to squeeze in training for the goal.

2.  Complete a Coursera course on genetics.  This is a repeat of the learning goal I set 2 years ago, but I found that course to be beneficial in understanding what's going on with Joshua, and Coursera has multiple classes on genetics, and the field of genetics is changing so fast that even the rudimentary knowledge that I gained 2 years ago is probably already out of date.  I'm hoping to take this one.

3.  Have a daily schedule of "proactive" prayer.  I pray pretty regularly in response to things - when something hard is happening to me, or my friends and family.  But I would like to get better about praying for the people in my life more regularly and not just when some specific thing is going on.  I am much better about staying on task with things if I turn it into a program, so I'm assigning each day of the week to a category (such as "extended family", "church", "special needs families", "politicians / world leaders", etc.), and then also including daily time for each of my immediate family members.

What are your resolutions?

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