I don't know about you, but to me, but to me, this time of year feels a little blah. Despite super mild winter weather in Reno, and a fun new winter activity of skiing, and my birthday (all things that make the winter blues much better, and thank you to family members for fun birthday celebrations!), this stretch of January - February - March just feels kind of long and dark. I'm feeling the need to push my mind in a more positive direction. So I'm going to do a thing that I've done in the past in November, but the truth is that I have more time and more of a need to remember thankfulness in the doldrums of winter: a daily thankfulness prompt.
My goal is to do a short post every day in February about something I'm grateful for, following the chart above (more or less - I've done this a few times before and don't want to repeat, so I will modify some of them to allow freedom to write about something new). If anyone wants to do this along with me - even just occasionally, using extremely brief answers - that would be so cool! It will bring me so much joy if anyone messages or comments their own answer to these prompts. I'm only going to post it on Facebook this first day and then keep the rest on the blog, but seriously, I would love it if anyone wants to join along for any of it. Here we go with Day One:
Prompt #1 - Something You are Grateful for Today
Today, I'm grateful that I got to take Ivy to her preschool dance class. Ivy loves to dance, and it's been fun to watch her in this activity that combines art and athleticism, Disney songs and friendship. Ivy is our youngest and she will start kindergarten in the fall, so I'm increasingly aware that these days of shuttling kids to daytime activities and story times and park playdates is quickly drawing to a close. Whatever next year looks like for me, there won't be Monday morning preschool princess dance class on the schedule. There won't be a little kid in her car seat with her water bottle and stuffy riding along with me for each and every thing I do. There's some excitement and freedom in thinking of all three kids being school age, but it's also the end of an era. And while I won't particularly miss car seats and ziplock bags of Goldfish, I *will* miss the little kid cuddles and the not quite correctly pronounced words and wildly imaginative pretend play and boundless enthusiasm that comes with this age. So I'm grateful that I still have a little more all day time with this sweet kid and everything that comes with the preschool age.