Thursday, June 15, 2023

30 days of gratitude: summer 2023 edition


I'm going to start up another round of daily gratitude posts!  This is an exercise I've done not quite annually, but I find it helpful every time I do it.  Now that we homeschool, summer is the best time to commit to a daily writing project, so I'm doing the gratitude posts as a summer vacation exercise!  Since summer also includes many days and weeks out of the house, my goal is to complete one of these every couple days and complete the list of 30 by the end of summer.  As always, I would love for people to follow along on their own or by message - the full list I will use is posted above.

Day 1:  About my Body

I'm going to be liberal with modifying the topic this time around - for today, I'm going to write something I'm grateful for about the human body.  Today, June 15th, is an anniversary for two of Josh's surgeries.  Twelve years ago he had a jaw distraction, and six years ago, he had a hernia repair.  The jaw distraction was a much bigger deal - there were days in the PICU, morphine for the pain, and a very involved healing process.  So where's the gratitude in this?  It's amazing to watch how the human body is designed to heal, even from a fairly major invasion.  Surgeries involve cuts on the outside and more cuts and procedures on the inside when everything goes exactly right - and our bodies are designed to withstand this invasion and repair.  Josh's big jaw surgery is premised on the fact that the body will heal:  when there is a cut in the bone, the bone repairs itself by growing more bone - what a thing!  Think of the difference in our quantity and quality of life if our bodies couldn't heal from most cuts, many sicknesses, and even some major medical events.  As I write this, I'm aware of so many in my life who are struggling through their own or a loved one's chronic sickness, pain, and disability, and I want to be sensitive to the pain of this and how this post might be tone deaf.  For those, I'm sorry and that I would love to pray for you.

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