Sunday, December 11, 2016

Day 26: Form of expression

Day 26:  What form of expression are you most grateful for?

I am grateful for letters.  When your mailbox is often stuffed with junk mail, bills, and political ads, it's such a treat to receive a letter!  My Grandma Max is a champion letter writer.  From the age when I could start reading, she sent several letters per year (approximately once a month) asking how I was doing and telling me all about life in western Nebraska.  This adds up to hundreds of letters!  There's something so special about holding the paper in your hand and, if it's a card, putting it up on your mantle, rather than just hearing the ding of an email on your phone, and then quickly scanning and deleting it.  If a letter is really special, you can keep it forever.  Kenny and I wrote letters to each other when we were first dating and spent a summer living across the country from each other, and I still have those letters.  It's getting to be a lost art, but I am grateful for letters.

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